"I've got to find that fire that defined me once so well." -GOOD RIDDANCE

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

where i've been

it was one of the most intense discussions of my life. it could change everything for the better if we all valued each other and were open to something new. it could destroy our close knit relationships if we decided to not hear each other out. the things we said now could have a significant impact on our relationships in the future. words were chosen carefully, but it was clear where everyone stood. bombshells were dropped, anger rose to the surface, tears were shed. we were standing on the precipice. one wrong step would hurt any chance we had of this meaning anything at all. one wrong step would hurt the people we loved the most. one wrong step...but that step never came. love prevailed.

we listened to each other. we cried together. while we were angry, it was always rooted in the knowledge that we loved each other very much. and we prayed together. rarely have i been a part of something that felt so significant. real christian fellowship. love for each other. intense disagreements. brought together by our one common goal. our Savior. if Jesus was not at the center of this conversation, we could not leave still loving each other. Jesus held us together despite our differences. and i am more and more convinced that this is a significant part of what real christian community looks like. crying together, praying together, loving each other, being angry with each other, being honest with each other, being connected to one another through God's love. too often, we are content with our shallow discourse. most importantly, it changed us. it made us re-evaluate why we believed what we did. it forced us all to not be content to just sit and be satisfied with where we were. we pushed each other forward. toward a better understanding of God. we pushed each other towards action. i am thankful for this conversation. the church needs more of these conversations.


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